Saturday, September 1, 2012

undie run

The undie run is a marathon type event where thousands gather together in their underwear and run around Salt Lake. Before they take off though, it's important that they all pose in front of the temple to mock the fact that the church would probably be against it. So, I remember as a child that my mother taught me not to retaliate -- which the church didn't do. But, they're in fact doing so by showing a lack of respect against the church for all this prop 8 stuff, the laws that were started here because of the church and so on.

I have seen some of the comments on Facebook where people have complained, asking to keep the church out of it and then the runners responding with things like "if it were any other church, you'd be ok with it." I doubt that very much, for one thing -- mainly because no one would ever do this to any other church. Secondly, I doubt that because I don't think that it's the best way to pose an argument. "Hey, let's piss them off and see if that'll make them treat us better!" Sounds like a horrible plan to me.
I'm all for letting people run around in their undies, but this is, on a grander scale, something that bothers me very much.

Once upon a time I posted a picture on Instagram that said:

 "unfortunately in this world of "free speech," if I were to speak freely about my opinions I'd be ridiculed and attacked by "open minded" people."

I feel very strongly that if I were to post this blog post on Facebook, I'd get a huge kick-back and everyone would call me a bigot and so on. Personally, I don't mind what people positions are politically, sexually, etc etc. but what does bother me is when someone says "don't judge me" but when I state my opinion, I'm judged by the audience.

I have been told that God doesn't care, things aren't sins and so on but that's subjective. You can't tell me what my God thinks. A lot of things are subjective, I'd even go as far to say that morals are subjective. If someone has no morals or no moral compass, of course they'll say that you're a bad person when you say something about morals.

Put simply, with subjective arguments I don't ask people to do anything I wouldn't. I would walk around outside of the figurative opposite of the temple to desecrate someone else's beliefs. I don't want someone forcing on me an opinion. I want to have my opinion, my belief in my God and what I believe to be right.

My morals are guided by God as whom I believe Him to be. If one believes that God doesn't exist, that doesn't mean that it's ok for that person to force me to forget about Him, or change my values.

When I remember what exactly it was that my business class teacher said, I'll post references but let this suffice for now:

Non-sense, meaning something that doesn't have sense or reason, is what God would be defined as because He cannot be proven nor disproven (there are many that beg to differ, but that's exactly why He would fall under the category "non-sense"). So, we cannot prove or disprove Him 'perfectly' so that every single person on earth either believes or doesn't until He either comes down or the world decides that there is no God. But until that time, morals, opinions, commandments, right & wrong, sin, and righteousness are completely subjective. 

"We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may."
-Articles of Faith, 11

"It's funny because we travel to other countries as Americans and make a big deal about respecting foreign cultures but can't respect different cultures within our own society" -Friend who shall remain nameless