Friday, August 31, 2012

citizenship = worthiness?

I was lurking on facebook the other day, a popular website for "social networking" as it is called; or in other words a big website where you can post stupid stuff and invite your friends to help you farm in farmville. (one of these days I'll make a post about feisbuk.) ANYWAYS, a girl stated, paraphrased,  "Obama had to show his birth certificate to prove his citizenship, I want to see Romney's Temple Recommend." For those of you who may not know what a Temple Recommend is, it's a small card that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints use to attend the many temples that spot the world. In those temples we do special worship where we can help save our ancestors and ourselves and also do marriages there. To hold a temple recommend you have to live up to certain standards of the church.

I know what she was getting at but comparing a birth certificate and a temple recommend is ridiculous. There are a few holes in this logic.
-Apparently according to her to be a president, you must be a worthy recommend holder
-She's saying that Romney isn't worthy (not her call, I'll explain in a bit)
-If Romney were non-denominational, no one would care about his moral choices

I'm just going to explain the second bullet quickly. To receive a recommend you have to go through two interviews, one with your local Bishop (like the pastor you could say of your certain area) and then your Stake President (he's in charge of a few different bishops, it's like the Bishop is the electronics manager and the Stake President is the store manager). They will ask you a series of questions that you respond to to see if you are worthy to hold a recommend, but here's the kicker! These questions are self-reflective. When you say yes or no, you are supposed to be doing a self-review and then you answer what you feel is right. In the church, we believe strongly in the Holy Ghost who guides our choices, so we try our best to make good choices so that the Holy Ghost sticks with us, The Spirit can help us decide if we're worthy or not by feelings or thoughts. Now, if you are NOT worthy -- say you are sexually immoral but you tell the Stake President you are clean he will still give you your recommend, why? Because it's YOUR salvation. YOU make your own choices. God will not hold the Stake President responsible for allowing you to enter, you will be held responsible for lying to enter God's house. So where I am going with this is basically to explain that even if you don't think that Romney is worthy, if he sat in the interview and he personally feels that he is, that's between him and his Heavenly Father.

People boob so hard about how they think Christians are judgmental and that we condemn people, but then seeing something like this is the exact same thing! Anyone with these thoughts about Romney is judging his worthiness and sticking their nose in someone else's business.

There was something else, but I can't remember now -- if I remember I'll update it.

Moral of the story: no one's perfect, not even Romney, nor does he claim to be.

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